Honey bee of Carniola
“Carniolan honey bee” originates from Slovenia and is the autochthonous bee. Known as “kranjska sivka” from Kranj region (in Latin Carniola region), it is named Apis mellifera carnica...
Ljubljansko barje
The Ljubljansko barje (Ljubljana Marsh) is the largest Slovenian and most southern wetland of Europe. It is among the minority of wetlands left in Europe, about 30 % have survived...
Shopping therapy
Slovenia has a developed Internet economy and a dynamic ecommerce sector: online buying generated 9% of the country's total business sales in 2006, the tenth highest in Europe...
Nearly a third of adult Slovenes pursue an active leisure weekly, including: skiing, walking, horseriding, cycling, canoeing, kayaking, and paragliding. Adrenaline sports are popular...
Triglav National Park
Triglav National Park, ‘Triglavski narodni park’, encompassing the eastern Julian Alps, is named after the highest mountain in Slovenia, Triglav (2,864 m). Triglav had religious significance...