Slovenian language in Victoria '93
Maturantski ples / The VCE Ball in Victoria was the first great celebration of the Slovenian language as the subject in the state school system of Victoria, in Melbourne, Australia. The celebration took place at the Slovenian club Jadran in Diggers Rest, the northern suburb of Melbourne. more...
Slovenian VCE in Victoria
The Victorian Certificate of Education for Slovenian language/"slovenska matura"began in 1981, and was offered till 2005. It was then one of the five languages suspended due to insufficient numbers. The gallery contains records of this period, with images of classes, teachers, meetings and some of the curriculum documents produced from 1980 to 2005. more...
11 Festival Slovenian Handicrafts Exhibition
Slovenian biennial festivals in Victoria are festive occasions, filed with speeches, singing, folkloric dancing competitions. They are also opportunities for exhibitions of Slovenian traditional handicrafts. The gallery presents the exhibitions of individual clubs at the 11 Slovenian Festival that took place in the Slovenian club Jadran on 1 and 2 March 2008 more...
Slovenian Traditional Chests
Slovenian Ethnographic Museum/Slovenski etnografski muzej in Ljubljana guards an enormous number of the treasures of Slovenian etnographic heritage. Many of these are seen rarely, being shown on special occasions. The Slovenian chest/"skrinja" has been on display recently, and permission was given to take photographs. This gallery is the result. more...
Slovenian Emigrant Archivist Seminar 2008
The Slovenian Emigrant Archivists Seminar 2008 took place from 14 to 19 September 2008. It began in ZRC SAZU and continued with sessions at the National and University Library, Studia Slovenica Archive at the Classical Secondary College of St. Stanislav in St Vid, RTV Slovenia, Slovenian House in Čedad and Slovenian Ethnographic Museum.
19 Slovenian Slavist Congress 2008
The Slovenian Slavistic Congress 2008 took place in Celovec/Klagenfurt and Pliberk/Bleiburg. It is the third consecutive SSK taking place on territories outside Slovenia's borders with strong Slovenian minorities. more...
Slovenian Handicrafts - Sydney and Brisbane
Following the success of research into Slovenian Immigrant Handicrafts in Victoria, the Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria, asked for and received another grant from the Office for Slovenes Abroad, and collaborating with the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum, extended the field of research to the other states with large numbers of Slovene settlers - New South Wales and Queensland. Aleksandra Ceferin and Metka Lenarcic visited Slovenian communities in Sydney and Brisbane from 19 to 25 June 2009, and with the considerable assistance by HASA New South Wales and Slovenian club Planinka in Queensland achieved considerable results. The album is a record of the trip. more...
Seminar for Slovenian - 2011
Slovenian Teachers Seminar 2011, organized by Dragica Motik regularly since 1994, and supported by Slovenian government, took place this year in Koper and Ljubljana. Specialist educators introduced techers to a number of interesting methods of making language study a stimulating and interesting experience, including the use of the internet. Included in the series of workshops was discovery of Slovenia - Koper, Hrastovlje, Trst, Kras, Kobjeglava, and later the exhibition of the 20th years of Sloveniaćs statehood, in Celje. more...
Art Centre for Children and Youth in Ljubljana
The Art Centre is in Komenskega 9, a lovely old buidling that used to house children's literature. Now it is a free centre for children's art, a special project by ex-mayor Vida Potočnik. Animators are responsible for encouraging and assisting children in painting and shaping, and special guests regularly provide stimulus for participants, who are all welcome to these sessions which take place Saturday morning and are free. more...
Slovenia 20th Anniversary
The 20th Anniversary of Slovenia's Independence was celebrated in Melbourne, at Slovenian Religious and Cultural Centre on 26 June 2011 from 12 o'clock on with a cultural program, distinguished guests and a gret gathering of Slovenian community. more...
Slovenian Language Classes
Slovenian language was taught as an elective subject in the state school Victorian School of Languages from years 7 to 12 during the period 1977 to 2005. Altogether 500 students have attended Slovenian classes during this time. 82 students have completed the VCE/ Victorian Certificate of Education, which became one of the 4 or 5 subjects required for university entrance. more...
11 Slovenian Festival
The Victorian Slovenian Festival is a two-day event, beginning with mass in the main hall, opening speeches by the SSOV and host club president, by the Slovenian charge d’affaires and representatives of the Australian parliament, Ethnic Community Council and Victorian Multicultural Commission. more...
Old Vine Harvest 2008
The 400 year old vine festival of Maribor has been transplanted to Victoria 8 years ago, and celebrated every year by the Slovenian community. 2008 was the first year that the festival has been held at the harvest time in Australia and harvested according to Slovenian custom. more...
Grape picking in Pomurje
Grape picking time is a time of festivals in Slovenia's wine regions.The vine is grown intensively in Pomurje. These days people are invited from all over Slovenia to join in grape-picking, refreshments and entertainment offered. more...
400 Years Old Vine Festival in Victoria
A cutting of the 400 years old vine of Maribor was brought to Victoria by Vinko Rizmal. It was auctioned and bought by McWilliams Vinery. It was agreed that Slovenes hold an annual vine festival at McWilliams Vinery in Dandenongs. It has become a popular event for Slovenian community. more...
Slovenian Community Centre - Melbourne
The Centre in Melbourne, Australia consists of Baraga House, the church of St.Cyril and Methodius and the church hall and the Mother Romana Home for the Aged. It has been since 1960 the hub of Slovenian spiritual, social and cultural life. It contains also the Baraga Library, the Office of the journal Misli and Slomšek School. more...
Seminar 2011- teachers discover Slovenia
An integral part of the seminar for teachers of Slovenian Abroad has been planned by the organizer Dragica Motik to show the participants, most of them born outside Slovenia, the land and its people. In 2011, the seminars took place in Koper and concluded in Ljubjana. The participants investigated elements of Koper, and were taken on guided tours of Hrastovlje, Kobjeglava, Trst and Kras, and then to Celje and the exhibition of the 20 years anniversary of the state of Slovenia. more...
400 Years Old Vine Festival in Maribor
The grape vine on the Lent in Maribor has been officially recorded as the oldest vine in Europe and entered into the Guiness Book of Records. The annual 400 year old vine festival in October is attended by the representatives of European countries, from all over Slovenia and the local population. The grape picking is a great event, and the wine pressed from the grapes is presented to important visitors, such as Bill Clinton. more...
Geelong Festival
Slovenian organizations in Victoria celebrate a biannual common festival to which they all contribute. The series of photos is a record of the 8th Slovenian Festival celebrated in Geelong, Victoria on 6th April 2002. more...
25 Anniversary of Slovenian
In 2003 ISSV celebrated 25 years of activity in the field of Slovenian studies in the Australian school system. A cultural event was organized by Aleksandra Ceferin with the assistance of teachers, students and cultural work occasion included the launch of 2 books Slovenian language in Australia by Aleksandra Ceferin and the curriculum publication of Victorian School of Languages,
Slovenian CSF and VCE Course Outlines, written by Sandi and Aleksandra Ceferin. more...
Oz Christmas 2002
The annual multicultural Christmas celebration for the senior citizens has become a feature of Melbourne life. Slovenian community was represented for a number of years at Oz Christmas Festival - with a song and dance performance and a handicrafts exhibiton. Slovenian National Council of Victoria twice received an award for the high quality of their contribution to the celebration. more...
Seminar 2011-teachers discover Koper
Organizers of teachers seminars place them always in an area, that would enable the participants to gain more insight into the country and its people. In 2011 the area selected was Koper, a port on the edge of Slovenian territory, but historically always possessing in its environs from ancient times a Slovenian population. Koper has become the main port of Slovenia since its statehood in 1991, and is in the process of becoming more Slovenian, although it has a mix of Italian and Croatian and Bosnian population. more...
Children of Argentina, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, Paraguay
Tudi mladi so lahko praznovali 20. rojstni dan svoje domovine. Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije v Buenos Airesu je za malo mlajše - pod pokroviteljstvom soproge veleposlanika, mag. Darje Zorko Mencin - priredilo natečaj otroških ustvarjalnih čestitk ob 20. rojstnem dnevu samostojnosti Slovenije. Natečaj se je pričel v začetku maja in zaključil konec junija 2011.
Z otroškim ustvarjalnim natečajem smo pri otrocih v Argentini, Čilu, Paragvaju, Peruju in Urugvaju želeli spodbuditi njihovo razmišljanje in zaznavanje stvari okoli njih, ki se bodo odražale skozi njihovo ustvarjalnost in jih povabiti, da narišejo otroške čestitke ob 20. rojstnem dnevu Slovenije. Nekateri svojo državo ali domovino svojih babic ali prababic poznajo le po pripovedovanju. Nekateri niso še nikoli obiskali Slovenije!
Resnično nas je zanimalo, kako bi otroci s slovenskimi koreninami čestitali svoji domovini Sloveniji za njen rojstni dan. In dobili smo veliko odgovorov! Ob koncu natečaja smo prejeli skoraj 240 čestitk, risbic, pisem, zloženk, izdelkov iz gipsa, stekla, tempera barvic, celo izdelano lutko, s katerimi so otroci in mladi iz Čila, Peruja in Argentine čestitali svoji domovini. Simbolika, s katero se izražajo otroci, je čudovita, njihova ustvarjalnost pa ne pozna meja.
V komisiji natečaja je sodelovala tudi priznana umetnica Andrejka Dolinar, in tako smo v širokem izboru različnih tehnik v ožji izbor izbrali izsek čestitk, ki so bile razstavljene ob priložnosti obeležitve 20. obletnice samostojnosti Republike Slovenije dne 29. junija 2011 v Casa de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Razstavo vseh del načrtujemo za avgust 2011, ko bomo na veleposlaništvu pripravili dneve odprtih vrat za vse sodelujoče otroke. Dogovarjamo za razstavo nekaterih izdelkov v sprejemnici Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve in Urada za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu ter po slovenskih šolah.
Seveda ob koncu zahvaljujemo tudi vsem, ki so nam omogočili, da se je ideja razširila in uresničila ter da smo lahko pripravili nagrado za vsakega udeleženca. Najprej zahvala vsem slovenskih društvom v državah akreditacije, častnim konzulom, vsem požrtvovalnih učiteljicam v slovenskih šolah in vrtcih in odgovornim za Mladce in Mladenke.
Otroci so na kreativen način pokazali, koliko vam pomeni Slovenija! Cenimo njihovo sodelovanje in prispevke. Po našem mnenju so se zelo potrudili in izkazali spoštovanje do praznovanja tako velikega dogodka kot je 20. let samostojnosti.
Veleposlaništvo RS v Buenos Airesu