1.1. VUSEB: Correspondence 1976
Correspondence between Aleksandra Ceferin and Prof. Jiri Marvan, Chairman of the Committee for Balto-Slavonic Languages, regarding accreditation of Slovenian language as Higher School Certificate/HSC language in the Victorian school system.
1.2. VUSEB: Documents 1976
Victorian Universities and Secondary Education Board: sample examination paper for Slovenian submitted by Aleksandra Ceferin, according to requirements.
2.1. VISE: Accreditation process. Correspondence 1978-1980
Correspondence 1978-1980, between A. Ceferin and VISE Curriculum and Assessment Officers, and Committee members regarding accreditation of Slovenian.
2.2. VISE: Accreditation process. Documents 1978-1980
The submissions for Slovenian Year 12 course to VISE Accreditation Committee. Slovenian was accredited for the period of 1980-1983.
2.3. VISE: Accreditation Process Meetings 1978 -1980
Victorian Institute of Secondary Education: meetings of the Ad Hoc Committee for Slovenian Language in 1979 determining final course description and assessment methods.
2.4.1. VISE Publications: Higher School Certificate Course Description 1980
Documents 1981-1985, re-accreditation process of Slovenian, including a review of the course through a survey of all Year 12 students. Slovenian was accredited fur further three years and later till 1990.
2.4.2. VISE Publications: Higher School Certificate Course Description 1985
VISE Higher School Certificate Slovenian Group 2 Course Description, VISE, 1980, accredited for the period 1980-1983.
2.5. VISE: Re-accreditation Process Correspondence 1981 - 1985
Victorian Institute of Secondary Education: correspondence of A Ceferin with VISE Curriculum and Assessment Branch, regarding the process of review and re-accreditation of Slovenian Year 12 HSC subject.
2.6. VISE: Re-accreditation Process Documents 1981 - 1985
Victorian Institute of Secondary Education: documents recording the process of the HSC course review, based on the survey of the HSC students of 1981, 82 and 83. The course was re-accredited for a further five year period.
2.7. VISE: Examination papers 1981 - 1985
Victorian Institute of Secondary Education: samples of assessment tools, based on progressive classroom assessment, a major assignment during the year, and an examination at the end of the year.
3.1. BOSSS: Correspondence 1978-1980
Correspondence 1978-1993 between: Aleksandra Ceferin and Prof. A.J. Dunston, University of Sydney, regarding accreditation of Slovenian as school subject in the state of New South Wales.
3.2. BOSSS: Documents 1978-1980
Documents 1978 record the accreditation process in New South Wales and the participation of A. Ceferin, Prof.J. Marvan and Prof. R. deBray in the process.
4.1. VCAB: Correspondence 1986-1993
Correspondence 1986-1993 reflects the establishment of the new system of course management and the role and membership in the Field of Studies Committee for Languages Other Than English (FOSC/LOTE).
4.2. VCAB: Documents 1986-1993
Documentation of the arrangements for course management and course writing.
4.4. VCAB: Publications 1987-1993
Newsletters informing on major changes of the course and accreditation system changes, including the National Framework for Languages at Senior Secondary Level (NAFLaSSL) in 1992.
5.1. BoS: Correspondence 1993-2001
Correspondence between BoS Assessment Unit and Examination Administration Unit and A. Ceferin in her roles as Panel Chairperson, State Reviewer and Common Assessment Task (CAT) setter.
5.8. BoS: VCE Study Design Slovenian
VCE Study Design for Languages Other Than English – Slovenian, Board of Studies 2001
ISBN 1 74010 188 X
Board of Studies publication, a detailed description of the VCE Study Design for Slovenian Year 11 and 12 Course – the 4 Unit structure, Work Requirements and Common Assessment Tasks/CATs with sample topics and an extensive bibliography. Sample topics and bibliography were developed by A.L. and A.A. Ceferin.
7.7. Slovenian Literary Reader
Title: Slovenian Literary Reader/Slovensko slovstvo - Berilo
Author: Ceferin, Aleksandra L. (editor), SSML, Melbourne, 1984 ISBN 0 959 0177 0 4
This is a collection of Slovenian literary texts covering all periods of Slovenian literary history, from its earliest beginnings in the oral tradition, to the post - World War II period.
8.1. VSL: Correspondence 1988-2004
Correspondence between Slovenian teachers and Coordinators, with the Principal of Victorian School of Languages and Area Managers.
8.2. VSL: Documents 1988-2004
Victorian School of Languages documents deal with VSL appointments, In-service sessions, notices to students and parents, selection criteria for instructors, VCE implementation.
8.3. VSL: Meetings 1988-2004
Victorian School of Languages undertook a series of curriculum and professional development sessions, including annual Curriculum Days, Professional Development for VSL Centre Managers, VSL Language Coordinators, Course writers, newly appointed VCE teachers, etc.
8.5. VSL: Coursework, tests and reports 1987 - 2005
Victorian School of Languages: mid-year exam, samples of student responses in 1988 and other work, samples of student reports, test results, class lists and course outlines.
10.5. ISSV: Publishing 1998-1999
Poučevanje slovenščine/Teaching Slovenian language in Melbourne, Australia. Articles on Slovenian language as optional subject in the Victorian School of Languages, secondary year levels 7 to 12....
10.6. ISSV: Publishing 2000-2001
Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria: The articles, the majority in Slovenian, a few in English, were written with the aim of informing Slovenian community, about the ISSV projects and initiatives, and about the advantages of learning Slovenian, stimulating interest in the study of Slovenian language, and informing about courses and conditions.
10.7. ISSV: Publishing 2002-2003
Poučevanje slovenščine/Teaching Slovenian language in Melbourne, Australia. Articles on Slovenian studies and the 25th anniversary of teaching Slovenian in Melbourne and Slovenian student exchange ...
10.8. ISSV: Publishing 2004-2005
Poučevanje slovenščine/Teaching Slovenian language in Melbourne, Australia. Articles on Slovenian studies...
10.9. ISSV: Publishing 2006-2009
Poučevanje slovenščine/Teaching Slovenian language in Melbourne, Australia. Articles on Slovenian studies...