
Slovene has cardinal, ordinal, disjunctive and multiplicative numbers. The cardinal numbers are:

1= én êna êno 

11=ena'jst 10=desét 100=sto'
2= dva' dvé   12=dvana'jst 20=dva'jset 200=dvésto
3= trije tri   13=trina'jst 30=trídeset 300=trísto
4= štirje štiri 14=š^tirina'jst 40=š^tirideset 400=štiristo


15=petna'jst 50=pétdeset 500=pétsto
6=š^est  16=š^estna'jst 60=š^estdeset 600=šésto
7=sédem 17=sedemna'jst 70=sédemdeset 700=sédemsto


18=osemna'jst 80=o'semdeset 800=o'semsto
9=devét   19=devetna'jst 90=devétdeset 900=devétsto
10=desét 20=dva'jset    

1000=tisoč 1,000,000=milijon 21=ênaindva'jset 151=sto' ênainpétdeset
2000=dva' tisoč 2,000,000=dva' milijo'na 45=pétinš^tirideset 1003=tisoč tri etc.
3000=tri tisoč 3,000,000=trije milijo'ni 92=dva'indevétdeset 1800=tisoč o'semsto
4000=štiri tisocč
1,000,000,000=milijarda 73=tríinsédemdeset
5000=pét tisoč 2,000,000,000=dvé milijardi 104=sto' štiri 117=sto' sedemna'jst
100,000=sto' tisoč      

The ordinal numbers for the values 1-4 are: pr'vi, dru'gi, trétji, četrti. From 5 on up,we add the ending -i to the cardinal: pét - pêti, ena'jst - ena'jsti, tisoč - tisoči, but sto': stôti. 101st is, sto' prvi.

We form the disjunctive numbers from the cardinals with -er: petér, sedmér, etc. Remember: četvér, tro'j, dvo'j and eno'j for the values 4, 3, 2, 1.

We obtain the multiplicative numbers from the disjunctive numbers with en: eno'jen, petéren.

From the cardinal numbers, we get by adding -krat expressions like ênkrat once, dva'krat 'twicé, etc. (also from ordinals: (pr'vikrat "first time", etc.), and from the ordinals with -ič added we get expressions like prvič 'first timé, drugič, stotič, etc.

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