
The main verbal forms are the infinitive (which ends in -ti or či) and the present tense (first person singular ends in -m). We can form all other forms from the infinitive and the present tense:

1. infinitive delati (work) peči bake

2. supine delat peč

3. participle in -l delal pekel

4. participle in -n or -t delan pečen

5. verbal noun delanje pečenje

6. present tense delam pečem

7. imperative delaj peči

8. participle in -č delajoč pekoč

Forms 1-5 we make according to the following patterns:

I. del/a-ti -t -l -n -nje

Sed/e-ti -t -l -n -nje

II. krož/I-ti -t -l /en /enje

III. nes/ti /t /#l /en /enje

IV. pi/ti /t /l /t /tje

The verbs in group II before -en and -enje usually change the last consonant according to the following pattern:

Nositi nošen zvoniti zvonjenje otopiti topljen

Voziti vožen voliti voljen obljubiti obljubljen

Roditi rojen umoriti umorjen uloviti ulovljen

Usmirtiti usmrčen premisliti premišljen

Pustiti puščen

The forms 6-8 are formed according to the following pattern:

I. del-am -aj -ajoč

II. krož-im -i -eč

III. nes-em -i -oč

IV pi-jem -j -joč

The verbs of groups III and IV are for the most part irregular, and therefore they must be memorised:

a) verbs in -sti: b) verbs in -či:

bôsti bôdel bôden léči légel poležen lézi

go'sti go'del go'denje moči mo'gel premoženje pomozi

gristi grizel grizenje peccžžči pékel pečén pêci

kra'sti kra'del kra'ja réči rékel rečén rêci

lésti lézel lézenje séči ségel séžen sézi

nêsti nésel nesén stréči strégel stréžen strézi

pa'sti pa'del prepaden têcč tékel tečén têci

c) verbs in-reti: d) verbs in -eti -nem(-mem, -ljem)

dréti dr'l predr'l déti dénem

odpréti odpr'l odpr't kléti ko'lnem

tréti tr'l str'l napéti napném

umréti umr'l umr'l prijéti primem

zapréti zapr'l zapr'l ujéti uja'mem ujêmi

z^reti z^r'l z^rl  verjéti verja'mem verjêmi

vréti vrél zavrét vzéti vzamem vzêmi

e) other irregular verbs:

hotéti ho'čem hôti hotéč

iméti ima'm iméj imajoč

iti grém po'jdi gredo'č

kla'ti ko'ljem

mléti méljem

bíti sém bo'di bil

Conjugation of the present tense:

Singular                       Plural                         Dual

1. os. (jaz) dela-m (mi/me) dela-mo (midva/medve) dela-va

2. os. (ti) -š (vi/ve) -te (vidva/vedve) -ta

3. os. (on, ona, ono) -* (oni -e, -a) -jo (onadva/onadve) -ta

The irregular verbs jém, grém, da'm, and vém have in the plural and dual the following endings:

jé-mo jé-va

-ste -sta

-do' -sta

As jém is conjugated, so is bo'm, which has 3 p. pl. bo'do.

The imperative in the singular does not express person, but in the dual (only for 1st and 2nd persons) it uses the same endings as the present tense.

The auxilliary verb in the present tense is conjugated like this:

Sem -nisem smo -nismo sva -nisva

Si -nisi ste -niste sta -nista

Je -ni si -niso sta -nista


Slovene has four tenses. Except for the productive present, all are formed with the participle in -l (or in -n, resp. -t) and the auxilliary:

a. Present: delam sem

b. Past: delal sem bil sem

c. Future; delal bom bom

d. Pluperfect delal sem bil

The auxilliary verb sem is an exception.


Slovene has 3 moods:

Present Past Future Pluperfect

a. indicative: delam delal sem delal bom delal sem bil

b. imperative: delaj

c. conditional: delal bi delal bi bil

In indirect speech, instead of the imperative, naj + predicative mood is used.


Slovene has 2 voices:

active: those verbal forms introduced under Moods, plus delati, delat, and delajoč.


a) tepen sem/tiska se tepen sem bil/tiskal se je tepen bom/tiskal se bo

b) bodi tepen/tiskaj se

c) tepen bi bil/tiskal bi se tepen bi bil/tiskal bi se bil

cc)biti tepen/tiskati se

d) tepen

The participle in -n or -t ordinarily express a state after a completed action: ubit "murdered, " delan "done".

The word se by a verb sometimes has no significance (smejati se) or else expresses intransivity (ubiti se).

Verbal Aspect

The majority of Slovene vebs occur in two formal varieties: of them one implies that the action is understood as limited (perfective verbs), and the other, as unlimited (imperfective verbs). The differnce between the two of verbs is usually expressed with verbal suffixes, but may also be expressed by prefixes or by different roots:
oženíti ženíti se To marry to be marrying
Dvígniti dvigati To lift to be lifting
Obljubiti obljubjati To promise to be promising
Povabíti vabíti To invite to be inviting
Natisniti tiskati To print to be printing
Prenêsti prena'šati To transfer to be transferring
Zlésti lésti To crawl out to be crawling out
Séči ségati To reach to be reaching
Povédati pra'viti To say to be telling
Priti priha'jati To come to be coming
Vréči meta'ti To throw to be throwing
Napra'viti délati To accomplish work to be working

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