Forget Me Nots Books - Students Activities E-Workbooks 1-1V
BILINGUAL EDUCATION: New Children's Literature - Forget-Me-Nots/Spominčice book seriesAn Introduction
A landmark bilingual series of ten story books (English and Slovenian), beautifully illustrated for children from ages four to ten by awarding-winning writers of Slovenia, has been published from 2006 by Sodobnost International and Vodnikova Publishing House.
The first of the series was launched, "In the Land of Gingerbread" by writer and editor of the series, Jana Bauer, in Ljubljana in December 2006. The series, initiated by Jana Bauer, has delighted audiences in three USA reading tours from 2007 to 2009 and in Australia in September 2009.
Award winners
Two books received nominations for the prestigious Slovenian Desetnica Award, "Spots" and "Emil Rabbit" in 2009 and two have been placed for first prizes. "Anton's Circus" was awarded the first prize for the best illustrated children's book in Slovenia in 2008, and "Oscar became a Detective" was awarded the first prize as the best children's book in 2008. The works are translated by author Erica Debeljak Johnson and details and images of the covers are on .
The Workbook for teachers consists of language and reading activities to accompany the reading of four books in the series, "In the Land of Gingerbread", "The Giant Hen", "Spots becomes a World Champion", and "Emil Rabbit". The books in bilingual editions, in English/Slovenian were first published during the last three years from 2006 to 2009. Details of books and world distributors at and The workbook has first been used in Slovenian schools and has been translated into English by Aleksandra L. Ceferin in September 2009 in a downloadable pdf version on the Web.
Title: Naša mala knjižnica/ Our Small Library
Editors: Tatjana Kokalj, Anja Kokalj, Workbook for Teachers based on Forget Me Nots books bilingual series, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2008.
Published by: Sodobnost International and Association of Slovene Writers. In Slovenian language, 24 pp.
Downloadable Workbook: in Slovenian
Downloadable Workbook: in English
Students Activities Workbooks 1- IV. are for four books in the series. These are downloadable activities sheets for students in the classroom (in English/Slovenian).
The books and workbook are widely used in primary schools in Slovenia to learn both Slovenian and English languages.
Workbook activities 1 - Rabbit Emil 3 pp.
Workbook activities 11 - In the land of Gingerbread 3 pp.
Workbook activities 111 - Spots becomes a world champion 3 pp.
Workbook activities 1V - The giant Hen 3 pp.
Written by thezaurus on 09/25/09 | permalink |
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