Heritage Trail

Launch of Slovenian Heritage Trail Kit

This Heritage Trail is an online education language kit on the theme "An exploration of the cultural life of Slovenes in greater Melbourne". The trail is a resource for language and interdisciplinary culture studies programs for the student and the teacher. Study units contain: background notes, core primary source documents, visual and reference resources. Source materials published from 1998 to 2008 provide detailed information on the topics and an historical overview on the Slovenian presence in Australia. The kit was launched online as an E-book on 28 June 2009.

Print Edition
ZOOM Printing in Carlton, has offered to print orders of the Trail. A limited edition for libraries was printed and the quality of the digitilized printing for particularly the photo images is outstanding. The Kit in print is identical to the E-book and the CD-Rom version is available with the printed version or separately.

Book description: 44 pp, format A4 landscape, front and back acetate cover, content includes 63 colour photos. ISBN 978-0-9750453-1-2   
Cost for a booklet including postage in Australia: Colour $30.00   Black and white $20.00  
To order please send a request with a cheque payment made to "Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria Inc."
Address: 2/43 Stockdale Avenue. NORTH CLAYTON, VIC. 3168, Australia.

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Slovenian Heritage Trail

Language Kits Series

The Modern Languages and Teachers' Association of Victoria is the umbrella body for single language associations in Victoria and is the sponsoring organisation which initiated seeding grants for languages in 2008 in support of new language learning programs.
Trails have been published for learning French, Italian and Slovenian. The French Kit is, "Le Tour de France en Lecture" by Kathy MacFarlane on CD-Rom and may be ordered from the French association. The Italian "Avventura, forza e coraggio" is an online education program based on Italian migrant stories by Rosaria Zarro for the Melbourne Immigration Museum (http://www.museumvictoria.com.au). The Slovenian kit is a culture study program published as an online E-book and to be released in a limited edition book publication.

Our special thanks to three organisations for their generous support:
Modern Languages and Teachers' Association of Victoria (http://www.mltav.asn.au) for the seeding grant for learning modern languages, the company Zavod Neuropolis in Ljubljana for design and production, and from the Education Department of Victoria (http://www.education.vic.gov.au), a grant for publication as a book. 

About the Trail Units
Six units focus on the following topics: 
Unit 1: Slovenian Presence, Unit 2: Community, Unit 3: Slovenian Language, Unit 4: Migrant Experience, Unit 5: Cultural Heritage, Unit 6: Community Media.

Downloads - Six study documents
Key documents are reproduced in the E-book. Selected documents are primary source archival references for a close study of the history of Slovenes in Australia. Four of the articles were published in Ljubljana, and two in Melbourne.

The documents are downloadable as a single article in format of PDF  located in Scribd.com open source ware.

Unit 1
Article: Slovenci v Avstraliji (Slovenes in Australia), by Igor Maver, Slovenska književnost 1, 1999, Ljubljana, 261-265.
Document No.1.
Link:  http://www.scribd.com/doc/15813195/1-Slovenci-v-Avstraliji

Unit 2
Article: Od Padua Hall do Baragovega doma (From Padua Hall to Baraga House), by Sasha Ceferin,
Slovensko versko in kulturo središče Melbourne, Misli Spominska izdaja, September 1998, Melbourne, 1998, 197-211.
Document No.2.
Link:  http://www.scribd.com/doc/13237716/Slovenscina-v-soli-03-Silvo-Fatur

Unit 3
Interview: Slovenski jezik v Avstraliji, Pogovor z mag. Aleksandro Čeferin,
Slovenščina v šoli, by Silvo Fatur, V111, letnik 5/6. 2003, Ljubljana.
Document No.3.
Link: http://www.scribd.com/doc/15813471/3-Slovenski-jezik-v-Avstraliji

Unit 4
Article: Stanko Prosenak - Štirideset let uspešnega življenja na peti celini (Stanko Prosenak - Forty years of successful life in the fifth continent), by Sasha Ceferin, Misli - Thoughts, May, 2008, Melbourne, 102-103.
Document No.4.
Link:  http://www.scribd.com/doc/15813696/4-Stanko-Prosenak

Unit 5
Article: Ročna dela iz Avstralije (Handicrafts from Australia), by Daša Koprivec, Etnolog, 18/2008, 2008, Bulletin of the Slovene Ethnographic
Museum, Ljubljana, 231-239.
Document No.5.
Link: http://www.scribd.com/doc/15813586/5-Rocna-dela-iz-Avstralije

Unit 6
Report: Poročilo o Obisku Komisije za odnose s Slovenci zamejstvu in po svetu pri slovencih v Avstraliji od 6. do 17. februarja 2003 (Report on Slovenes in Australia about the visit of the Commission for relations with Slovenes across borders and around the world, 6 to 17 February 2003, by Uroš Pirnat, Assistant Secretary, Glasslovenije, Feb/April 2003, Sydney, 6-8.
Document No.6.
Link:  http://www.scribd.com/doc/15813629/6-Porocilo-o-obisku-Komisije-za-odnose-s-Slovenci-feb-2003

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