Timeline ISSV projects 2001-2015

Please note: content 2001-2005, 2013-2014 is being updated for 31 October, 2015





ISSV Archives online – c. 2,000 documents 1976 - 2005. The work of scanning and organizing was completed and published on http://www.scribd.com/thezaurus document storage site.


Collaboration between the Slovene Ethnographic Museum and the Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria at the initiative by Aleksandra L. Ceferin on Slovenian emigrant handicrafts. An exhibition was planned and a field trip undertaken with Slovenian Ethnographic Museum (SEM) Senior Curator Daša Koprivec, in the Greater Melbourne area and Geelong.


SEM and ISSV collaborate to prepare an Online exhibition of Slovenian Handicrafts with photos, records and biographies of producers. It was the first co-production of this kind for SEM.


Launch of the website http://www.rocnadela.org at the Slovenian Association Jadran, 1 March 2008, Digger’s Rest. It is the first online exhibition of Slovenian Emigrant Handcrafts.

Field trips to NSW and Queensland were undertaken by Aleksandra Ceferin and Margaret Lenarčič. Handicrafts of about 50 producers were recorded and described.


Myths and Legends based on the Kelemina collection, Myths and Legends of Slovenian People (1932) with the introduction by Dr. Zmago Šmitek, were presented as a bilingual collection, in Slovenian and English, Sloveniana Webzine http://www.thezaurus.com/webzine in a new category Myths and Legends.


Five authors in the field of Slovenian youth literature visited Sydney and Melbourne to present readings of their bilingual series Spominčice/Forgetmenots: Evald Flisar, Jana Bauer, Tatjana Kokalj, Cvetka Bevc, Slavko Pregl, Director of Javna Agencija Knjiga (JAK).

ISSV organized the reading sessions in the State Library of Victoria and Ss. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Mission, Religious and Cultural Centre, Kew.


Slavko Pregl donated his own copy of the 17th century facsimile collection Iconotheca Valvasoriana to be presented formally to the State Library of Victoria, Melbourne.

ISSV President A.L. Ceferin proposed that the formal presentation should take place when Dr. Boštjan Žekš, Minister for Slovenes Abroad of the Republic of Slovenia would be visiting Australia in September 2010.


The Office for Slovenians Abroad financed the website http://www.Valvasor.org, promotion of the presentation and the powerpoint presentation J.V. Valvasor, with music by composer J. Gallus.

The presentation took place on 27 September 2010, with representatives of Slovenian organizations, Slavic departments, librarians, consular and ambassadorial guests and the Slovenian Embassy in Canberra.


Publication work:

Sloveniana Webzine, http://www.thezaurus.com/webzine: category Slovenian Pantheon was introduced with 15 articles, based on monograph Zlati cvet, Slovensko bajeslovje (The Golden Flower, Slovenian Mythology), by Jožko Šavli, were published.

Sloveniana Webzine: article Botanical Garden of Ljubljana, by Jože Bavcon with photo album.


The website http://www.Sloveniana.com was established, in collaboration of the Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria and the National and University Library / NUK in Ljubljana. It is a project of an Online cartography of Slovenian migrant communities. The aim is to map the presence of Slovenian communities around the world. We have started with the mapping and presentation of texts and photo images of organisations, their activities and communities of Victoria, and initiated the presentation of the communities of New South Wales.


Publication work:

Sloveniana Webzine, http://www.thezaurus.com/webzine: Slovenian Pantheon, additional 9 new articles,

Sloveniana Webzine: article, The Cave of Škocjan, by Tomaž Štefe with album,

article, Žiga Herberstein, the first Slovenian Diplomat, by Aleksandra Ceferin;


Valvasorjev Zbornik (1989), Valvasor Symposium, Ljubljana / E publication Valvasoricon. Translation completed, from the original Slovenian into English.

Zlati cvet, Slovenian Mythology, by Jožko Šavli. Translation completed, from the original Slovenian into English.

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