VCE themes, topics and subtopics 2001
Three main themes have been prescribed for study:
1. The Individual
2. The Slovenian-speaking Communities
3. The Changing World
Each theme, which must be studied progressively throughout the two-year VCE course, has a number of prescribed topics, and a broader range of sub-topics. The placement of these topics under one or more of the three themes is intended to provide a particular perspective or perspectives for each of the topics. The suggested sub-topics (students may elect their own sub-topics), expand on the topics, and are provided as a guide to the student and teacher as to how topics may be treated.
Language and culture through texts
Throughout their VCE course, but particularly in Unit 3 and 4 students undertake detailed study assessment tasks. These tasks are designed to assess students' understanding of the language and culture of Slovenian-speaking community.
The detailed study should enable the student to explore and compare aspects of the language and culture of the Slovenian-speaking community through a range of oral and written texts related to selected sub-topic. This wil enable the student to develop knowledge and understanding of, for example, historical issues, aspects of contemporary society or the literary or artistic heritage of the community. The texts which form the basis of this study might include feature films, short films, short stories, songs, newspaper articles, electronic texts, documentaries, etc.
The following compilation of sub-topics has been written by Aleksandra Ceferin for the use of teachers and students. The resources for the topics and sub-topics are contained in Slovenian VCE study resources. This collection is an extensive library of thematically. organized resources, selected by Aleksandra and Sandi Ceferin.
Theme: The Individual
Topic: Personal identity
Personal profile
Family and friends
Home and community
The poet's view of man and destiny
The individual in war
The individual in the world of technology
The migrant experience
The role and place of the elderly
Growing up in Slovenia
Growing up in a Slovenian family in Australia
Topic: Education and Aspirations
School life
Further education
Future plans
The education system in Slovenia
The brain drain and migration
Higher education and employment
Slovenian as a subject in Australian school system
High aspirations and expectations: too much talent and not enough places
Topic: Leisure and Recreation
Hobbies and interests
Holidays and travel
Health and fitness
Slovenia: mountains, lakes, rivers and seaside as lifestyle
Walking as the national pastime of Slovenia
The national parks of Slovenia and their natural wonders
Leisure activities of Slovenian youth
Slovenian festivals
Slovenian thermal spas: recreation, health and lifestyle
Theme: The Slovenian speaking communities
Topic: Lifestyles in Slovenia and abroad
Festivals, customs and traditions
Cultural and regional diversity
Traditional Slovenian dishes in contemporary Slovenian cuisine
The diaspora: Slovenian communities in Australia, USA and Argentina
Fifty years of Slovenian presence in Australia: the culture of Slovenian immigrant
Slovenian centres and associations across Australia
Slovenian communities in Austria and Italy
The importance of customs and tradition in maintaining Slovenian identity
Emona to Ljubljana: 2, 000 years of history
Slovenian territories from Roman times to present day
Slovenes who have made a major contribution beyond Slovenian borders
Topic: Past and Present
The changing face of Slovenia and Slovenian society
Historical and current events
Places and people
War experience
Slovenia's place in Austro-Hungarian Empire, in the Kingdom of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs and in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Slovenes in the 1st World War - the killing fields of the Soča front
Slovenia's fight for independence and acceptance into EU
The Venetic theory of origins and its significance for Slovene people
Slovenian people in the 17th century, as recorded by polyhistorian Valvasor
The poet's role in the development of Slovenian nationalism
Contribution of Slovenian-speaking migrants to the multicultural Australia
Slovenian-Australian poets
Topic: Arts and entertainment
Music and songs
Theatre, film
Prominent Slovenians
Slovenian film
Slovenian pop groups and singers of the 80s and 90s
Australian-Slovenian band "Domači fantje": from Slovenian VCE to composing, playing and CD Rom production
Slovenian impressionist painters
Slovenian gothic art
Gaspari: images of folk customs and festivities
Pleccnik: the architect of Ljubljana
Slovenian choral singing
Theme: The changing world
Topic: Youth issues
Generation gap
Self image
Peer pressure
Youth values
Food and health issues
Generation gap versus reliance on the family in Slovenian society
The drug problem
Achievement oriented education: education for life or hunt for qualifications
Topic: World at work
Equity in the workplace
Career opportunities
Business links with Slovenia
Impact of technology on Slovenian society
Change from village economy to industrial society
Traditional diversified farm to tourist farm (kmečki turizem)
Traditional occupations adapted for the tourist market
Changing villages
Adaptation of traditional agricultural practices to meet the demands of a changing market place, for example grape growing and wine making
The movement from village to city
Have traditional Slovenian arts and crafts a place in the modern world?
Topic: The issues in today's world
Cross-cultural perspectives
Technology versus environment
The impact of Slovenia's independence on its economy
The impact of American culture on Slovenia
Slovenian exports
Traditional roles of women and men
Topic: Tourism
Slovenian-speaking tourists in Australia
Touring Slovenia and Slovenian-speaking regions
Image of Slovenia projected by the image-makers in print and film
"KmeČki turizem": a taste of life on the land
The tourist attractions of Slovenia
Showing a Slovenian tourist around Australia
Visiting relatives in Slovenia