Slovenia. A biotic park
The country is known for pristine wilderness areas. Natural heritage in Slovenia is protected either as a national park, a regional park or as a nature park. Slovenia has forty-four areas of protected parks, one national, three regional and forty landscape parks. Protected areas are; Triglav National Park, Kozjanski Park, Škocjan Caves Park, Sečovlje Salina Nature Park, Goričko Nature Park, Notranjska Regional Park, Logarska dolina Landscape Park. Sečovlje Pans and Cerknica Lake are included on the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance.Forests cover 58% of the national territory. Slovenia has a tradition of forestry management with forestry plans first made in 1770. The predominant trees are beeches, oaks, linden, and in the moutains there are the spruce, pine and fir. The country’s fauna includes: deer, boar, hares, foxes, badgers, squirrels, wild cats, lynx, jackals, wolves, bears, owls, eagles, storks, marmots, ibex and chamois. Slovenia is home to more than 15,000 animal species and 3,200 plant species or, at least to every hundredth known living species.
The Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia has the important mission for environmental protection to preserve natural resources, biotic diversity and to ensure sustainable development of the country. Slovenia adopted the program Natura 2000 which is the center piece of EU nature and biodiversity policy. Slovenia has designated 286 Natura 2000 sites: 260 according to the Habitats Directive and 26 according to the Wild Birds Directive. The sites in total encompass 36% of the country, which is the highest (terrestrial) rate in the EU. The Natura 2000 sites were adopted by the Slovenian government in 2004. The role of the European Commission's leading Environment Directorate-General is to initiate and define new environmental legislation and to ensure that agreed measures are put into practice in the EU member states.
Learning activities
1. Write directions to the park
Text-type: map, instructions, diagram
Linguistic element: proper noun, pronoun, compound sentence
Trace the route from Ljubljana on clickable map to Arboretum Volčji potok
3. Conduct an interview
Text-type: radio interview
Linguistic element: noun, pronoun - interrogative, verb - moods
Interview about plants and animals protected at Sečovlje Salina Nature Park
4. Write a tour program
Text-type: tour guide program
Linguistic element: adjective - declension, pronoun, conjunction
Plan program of the Ljubljana barje featuring natural and cultural sites
5. Send a letter
Text-type: letter
Linguistic element: conventions of letter-writing, adverb
Select an alpine town and write to your friend about its attractions
6. Prepare a talk
Text-type: talk
Linguistic element: direct speech, compound sentence, noun - declension
Give a talk on the significance of the Škocjan Caves
Text-type: radio interview
Linguistic element: noun, pronoun - interrogative, verb - moods
Interview about plants and animals protected at Sečovlje Salina Nature Park
4. Write a tour program
Text-type: tour guide program
Linguistic element: adjective - declension, pronoun, conjunction
Plan program of the Ljubljana barje featuring natural and cultural sites
5. Send a letter
Text-type: letter
Linguistic element: conventions of letter-writing, adverb
Select an alpine town and write to your friend about its attractions
6. Prepare a talk
Text-type: talk
Linguistic element: direct speech, compound sentence, noun - declension
Give a talk on the significance of the Škocjan Caves
Environment Agency of the Republic of Slovenia
European Environment Agency
Lake Cerknica
Landmarks of Slovenia
Natural Heritage of Slovenia
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Slovenia - Official Travel Guide
Atlas Slovenije, Mladinska knjiga, Geodetski zavod Slovenije, Ljubljana, 1992
Chvatal, M, Božek, Z, Slovenija Vodnik, Ljubljana, 1998
Maher, I, Veliki kolesarski vodnik po Sloveniji, Sidarta, Ljubljana, 1996
Pelaj, A, Cerkniško jezero, A. Peklaj, Mengeš, 1994
Stritar, A, Izleti po ljubljanski okolici, Sidarta, Ljubljana, 1994
Slovenija, Turistični vodnik, Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana, 1995
Links updated: 12 November 2015
Written by Sandi Ceferin on 03/20/11 | permalink |
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